That's A Wrap
Where does all that holiday wrap, cardboard, and cards end up after December 25?
Most Christmas packaging ends up in landfills, decomposing and producing greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide. Landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States, and methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.
So, instead of sending these materials to the trash, we have a post-Christmas wrap challenge for you. It's simple - reuse your leftover wrap, ribbons, strips, and stuff to create a mini artwork. Your creation will become a part of our Climate Collaborative Collage, a permanent piece of the Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes traveling exhibit currently at S.C.R.A.P. Gallery, but headed to Alaska next.
Any size work is accepted as long as it fits in an envelope. Please don't wait; send or drop it off to us by January 8, 2025. Every piece counts!
Help Us Test a New Exhibit at the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is seeking members of the Cathedral City community to take part in a scheduled visit to explore a new traveling exhibit at the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery, followed by an interview about their experience. You will be helping the gallery test how the exhibit is working for potential visitors.
The visit will last about 20 minutes and take place at the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery. You can visit on your own, in a pair, or in a small group (4 or fewer people). Children (under 18) are welcome, but we ask that they be accompanied by an adult.
Plus, each group that completes a visit and interview will receive a $20 Amazon gift card! *One gift card is offered per group
How to sign up? Select a specific timeslot when you will come to the gallery, explore the exhibit, and be interviewed. Visits are available during one of these windows of time:
Friday, October 25th – between 4 and 7 p.m.
Saturday, October 26th – between 10:00 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 27th – between 10:00 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Click HERE to schedule your visit.
Visits must be scheduled in advance—sorry, no drop ins.
This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts about how scientific ideas are explained to the public. Your feedback makes a difference!
It's Getting Hot In Here!
It's for real. S.C.R.A.P. Gallery invites you to journey through climate change with the exhibit "Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes" from September 13 through January 10, 2025. This family-friendly, participatory exhibit demonstrates how climate change is changing and how those changes affect people's lives worldwide.
The exhibit, developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Center for Science Education, illustrates, with scientific evidence and stories from various impacted communities, from Midwest farmers to coastal residents. How does it affect people in the Coachella Valley? Find out. The exhibit also offers solutions and encourages visitors to take action.
As part of this traveling exhibit, with visitor participation, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery will create an art piece that will become a permanent exhibit piece as it continues to travel around the United States. Along with the exhibit, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery will hold special events, drop-in hours, and programs.
Pieces For Peace 2024 Exhibit
The 2024 International Day of Peace theme is "Cultivating a Culture of Peace." The United Nations General Assembly's Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace recognizes that peace includes many aspects, such as:
Non-violence: Promoting non-violence through education, dialogue, and cooperation
Conflict resolution: Committing to peaceful settlement of conflicts
Values: Adhering to freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue, and understanding
With those aspects in mind, we invite artists worldwide to submit work for Pieces For Peace 2024.
June 2024 - Super Sustainable Summer Calendar
Give Us Your Best Fish!
This July, join millions of people worldwide reducing their plastic waste by choosing to refuse single-use plastic. Collect plastic bits and use them to create your fish! @plasticfreejuly #smallstepsbigdifference
#turnthetideonplastic #PlasticFreeJuly #plasticfreejuly2023
#Juliosinplastico #ChooseToRefuse #plasticfree #endplasticwaste
#noplanetb #ditchplastic #reduceplasticwaste #saynotoplastic #plasticfreeforthesea
Earth Day Is Every Day
Join us on Saturday, April 20, as we participate and create activities that help our environment.
Step Up To The Plate
Art 22 Project
Art 22 is a collaborative endeavor featuring 22 artists from around the country.
Why 22? Suicide is a significant problem affecting military service members and veterans. Although it may vary per year, Department of Veterans Affairs estimates suggest that 22 veterans may die by suicide each day.
Coordinated by S.C.R.A.P. Gallery, each artist will start their artwork with one repurposed cardboard square. All 22 final contributions will create one cohesive work. Artists will incorporate the themes of healing, hope, and resiliency.
The finished Art 22 will be unveiled at the Invisible Wounds 22K on April 13, 2024, at Dennis Keat Soccer Park in Cathedral City.
The Return Of The Butterflies In Cathedral City
It's time for our annual celebration of all things butterflies and pollinators. The Butterfly Festival will be held on Saturday, March 16, at Panorama Park in Cathedral City from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We have lots of activities planned for kids and families, including wildflower planting, mini-pot decorating, recycled crafts, and much more. Every child receives a copy of the fun and fact-filled book, "The Truth About Butterflies" by Maxwell Eaton III, courtesy of Cathedral City Evening Rotary & Mayor Mark Carnevale.
In anticipation of the festival, kids of all ages can participate in our Butterfly Art Contest. All the details are below and if you need materials, kits are available at S.C.R.A.P. Gallery and the Cathedral City Library.
Eye See Peace
Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed worldwide on September 21. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace.
According to the UN, this year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action recognizing our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. Fostering peace contributes to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will create a culture of peace for all.
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery is partnering with the Cathedral City Peace Initiative to host Pieces For Peace, observing the day on September 21, 2023. There will be a special exhibit at the Cathedral City Senior Center. Create your own Eye See Peace with our template using scraps, strips, and stuff. Need materials? We have free kits too! Due date for eye art is September 15, 2023. Please fill free to drop it off at the Gallery, 68743 Perez Rd. D-16, Cathedral City, CA 92234.
Actions For Peace Through Creativity
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed worldwide on September 21. The UN General Assembly has declared this a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace.
This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action recognizing our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. We invite you to act with us through creativity and Pinwheels For Peace.
With all the collected pinwheels, we will create an installation in the City of Cathedral City.
Beat Plastic Pollution And Give Us Your Best Fish!
According to the United Nations Environmental Programme, we have become addicted to single-use plastic products. We are soaking in it and choking on it. All this plastic directly affects how we live - environmental, social, economic, and health consequences.
Globally, one million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. Half of all plastic produced is designed for single-use purposes – used once and then thrown away. What can you do to #BeatPlasticPollution? Start by reusing and repurposing the plastic that you have, and might we suggest that you enter our Plastic Fish Zero Waste Art Contest?
Summer Shines Brightly For Sustainability
We are excited to share our summer plans which include a lot of creative reuse, repurposing, and lots of fun! Join us throughout June, July, and August for cool projects while you beat the heat.
Celebrate Earth Day & Global Youth Service Day With Us!
Plant Trees And Save Bees
S.C.R.A.P. Gallery is honored to be a California Arbor Week Grantee from California ReLeaf. With Arbor Week Grant funding, SCRAP Gallery and their community partners are working to plant trees in Cathedral City Parks and provide educational programs for schools in the Coachella Valley - educating the next generation about the importance of our urban forests! Thank you to Edison International and the ongoing support of Cal Fire and USDA Forest Service in supporting this program. We are kicking off our program with our Earth Day #BeetheChange Student Poster Program. The theme is Save The Bees, Plant More Trees.
You ART What You Don't Eat!
We would like another helping of art from you, please. In our Step Up To The Plate project, we would like to see what’s on your plate!
Calling All Zero Waste Heroes
Let's All Join Hands
We are working with the Global Art Project, whose mission is to create a culture of peace through art. Let's All Join Hands project asks that you trace your hand or use the template below and draw, collage, or paint words and images that build friendship, hope, peace, and understanding. At S.C.R.A.P. we encourage you to add the environmental component by creating your hand with recycled or reused paper.
Your artwork, joined with thousands of others, will be a tangible representation of the people worldwide who join their energy together to create a peaceful future. We will first feature the artwork in our M.L.K. Day Peace & Art Walk in Cathedral City, California, on January 14, 2023. Following that, the work will be shared with the Global Art Project Bank for exhibitions, books, slide presentations, and social media.
Send your completed work to S.C.R.A.P. Gallery, 68743 Perez Rd. D-16, Cathedral City, CA 92234.