Take The Pledge To Reduce & Eliminate Single-Use Plastics and get a free bamboo straw!

Pledge to make plastic a thing of the past!

Every July, over a million people around the world participate in Plastic Free July, a challenge to refuse single-use plastics for one whole month. If you can do it for just one month, you can do it for two months and then three months and so on and so on.

Why? Avoiding plastic for any amount of time is a great thing to do – but that alone won’t end our addiction to plastic. When individuals choose not to buy or use plastic, they remove plastic from their lives. But what we really need is to eliminate problematic plastic, specifically single-use plastics. Single-use plastics are goods that are made primarily from fossil fuel–based chemicals (petrochemicals) and are meant to be disposed of right after use. To do that, we need to work together to push communities, companies, and countries to go plastic free.

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Take The Pledge To Reduce & Eliminate Single-Use Plastics and get a free bamboo straw!

Stop Pollution of the Ocean by Contaminants

  1. Pledge 1: Use eco-friendly cleaning products.

  2. Pledge 2: Dispose of chemicals properly.

  3. Pledge 3: Avoid foods treated with synthetically manufactured pesticides.

  4. Pledge 4: Do not discharge sewage from boats into coastal waters.