Home FREE is a recycled art project you assemble at home. You can share, tag and # your creations with us.
There’s no place like home! Americans produce approximately 267.8 million pounds of trash annually or 4.51 pounds per person per day. This includes bottles, paper, cardboard, packaging, food, grass clippings, furniture, computers, parts, gadgets and doodads – things that come from home.
So let’s start at home. We are kicking off a new program that’s just for you. We know you have all sorts of things around your house. How about taking some of those things that would normally be thrown away and repurposing them into arts and crafts?
Every week or so, we will provide you with project ideas that you can make with just scraps, strips and stuff.
To start off, print our Super S.C.R.A.P. Scavenger Hunt Sheet. This lists materials you will need for upcoming projects.
If you don’t find everything on the list, feel free to substitute other items. Let us know what else can be reused.
In fact, let us see what you have created by tagging us and using #homefreeart
Do your part. Stay home. Recycle and make art!
It’s that easy….You are Home Free.
Don’t forget to tag us and use these Has#tags:
#homefreeart #randomactsofscrap